Cultural experience

Cultural experience

I have explored some of the videos on Digital Theater and I should say that it was astonishing. I adored the power of actors’ play and the whole idea of the interpretations made me feel excited about the Theater.

Those three sisters and the sounds of war made me stunned. I really want to see the whole version.
The whole scene seemed to be strange for me. I didn’t understand much words but again the actors’ play was powerful.

Despite the fact, that I am not the fan of classical music those minutes i spent on listening to the Mozart Program on the web-site of New York Philarmonic were pleasant and relaxing.

I was lucky to attend a cultural online lecture of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The story of Dior’s ball gowns captured me due to the beauty of the pictures and facts about Dior as aт innovator that brought post-war world bact to romantism.

I really laughed when saw some videos od Saturday Night Live.I didn’t now that Natalie Porman is such a great rap singer!

And finally i want to show a mind map connected with art.It’s not that impressive but i tries to link the topics so i can remember words a bit better.